[gst-devel] How to tell decodebin2 to use h264parse when there are not enough caps?

Sandino Flores Moreno tigrux at gmail.com
Wed Nov 17 16:45:04 CET 2010

Hello, I'm working in an h264 element (my_h264_dec) that assumes
width, height and framerate (W,H,F) are supplied.
Hence, they are specified in its template caps.

It works well with local files and playbin2 since the demuxer provides
all the required caps.

However, when using rtsp, the h264 depayloader (rtph264depay) does not
provide (W,H,F).
In a manual pipeline, in order to make it work, I have to do this:

gst-launch  rtspsrc location=$URI name=source \
source. ! queue ! rtph264depay ! h264parse !  my_h264_dec ! videosink

However, decodebin2 and playbin2 tend to omit the parser.

How can I tell decodebin2 to use the parser when there are not
(W,H,F) present in the caps?

Thanks in advance.

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