[gst-devel] Camera Configurations with Gstreamer

Marlos C. Machado marlos at dcc.ufmg.br
Fri Oct 15 20:35:30 CEST 2010


First of all, thanks for the code!
I compiled it with no problems and tried to make this:

$ ./cameractls /dev/video0

And I've gotten this:

NEXT_CTRL flag not supported
Device controls with Read/Write permissions:
Control id      Class           Minimum Maximum Step    Default Name

As I said, I'm using a PSEye. This operations are not supported by it
or I am doing something wrong?

FYI I only have the /dev/video0 in my /dev directory, there aren't
others 'videos'.

Thanks again!

2010/10/15 Andrey Nechypurenko <andreynech at googlemail.com>:
> Hi,
>> It would be amazing if you could share this codes, it seems it will
>> solve my problem.
> I just upload the example to: http://gitorious.org/cameractls .
> You can browse reporsitory online or clone it.
> There is README file available with more details.
> Yet another example of how to use it to initialize the camera before
> gstreamer starts working with it could be found here:
> http://gitorious.org/veter/veter/blobs/master/src/vehicle/VideoSenderThread.cpp
> around line 90 (search for "Initialize camera" string).
> Regards,
> Andrey.

Marlos Cholodovskis Machado

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