Convert from RGB to Gray into pipeline (or minimize the resolution)

Matias Hernandez Arellano msdark at
Mon Apr 25 18:33:47 PDT 2011

(sorry for my english)

I have an application using appsrc, the "frame" pushing into appsrc is an RGB image 320x240 

I use the appsrc pipeline to stream the video over tcp and i wan't to minimize the data , so i think in use a lower resolution of the image

So, how can convert the RGB image into Gray and if it's possible minimize the resolution...??

My last testing pipeline (i don't know if this is correct) is this:

appsrc name=\"mysrc\" ! video/x-raw-rgb,width=320,height=240 ! queue ! "
                                   "videoparse format=24 width=320 height=240 ! videorate  ! "
                                   "videoscale ! video/x-raw-gray,width=320,heigth=240 ! queue ! ffmpegcolorspace ! queue ! "
                                   "theoraenc ! queue ! oggmux ! queue ! tcpserversink port=5000  sync=false

The frames that is push into appsrc are OpenCV frames converted to RGB.

With this pipeline i get a long delay in the "client" part ..i wan't to minimize that obtaining a real-time transmission (or near to that)

Thanks a lot!!!

Matías Hernandez Arellano
Ingeniero de Software/Proyectos en VisionLabs S.A
CDA Archlinux-CL

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