h.264 encoding using x264 and file writing to local disk

Faisal Mehmood faysal.99 at gmail.com
Sat Apr 30 12:35:32 PDT 2011

 *Hi* experts,

As I am new *to* *gstreamer*, so some very basic level quireies are *here*.

At the moment I want *to* make a small application whose input is a
*YUV*I420 stream from a local disk. Application then
*encode* it *to* *h*.*264* and then write back *to* local file system. For
this I *have* installed gst-plugins-ugly for x264enc which is successfully
installed in my system, my application can make all the elements

But I am receiving the following error while I launch my application.
pipeline: filesrc location=akiyo_qcif.*yuv* blocksize=38016 ! videoparser
width=176 *height*=144 framerate=(fraction)15/1 format=(fourcc)I420 !
x264enc ! filesink location=test.*264*
Now playing: akiyo_qcif.*yuv*
Error: Internal data flow error.
Returned, stopping playback
Deleting pipeline

please find the attached file for code reference.

Thanks in advance.
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