Writing raw frames to mpegts [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Durrand, Paul (Contractor) Paul.Durrand at dsto.defence.gov.au
Mon Aug 1 22:12:41 PDT 2011


I am making slight progress with this problem. I have fully defined the
caps for APPSRC to match those specified as a SINK in ffmpegcolorspace.
My new pipeline is (the rest of the source is below in the original

	  char *fullPipelineDesc = "appsrc is-live=true name=\"adsssrc\"
=4321\" ! ffmpegcolorspace !
urcc)I420 ! ffenc_mpeg2video ! mpegtsmux ! filesink
location=processed.mpg ";

With this I see the following error:

0m transform could not transform video/x-raw-rgb, width=(int)704,
height=(int)480, framerate=(fraction)25/1, bpp=(int)24, depth=(int)24,
red_mask=(int)255, green_mask=(int)65280, blue_mask=(int)16711680,
endianness=(int)4321 in anything we support

This puzzles me as the both the sink and src capabilities match the
output I see from "gst-inspect-0.10 ffmpegcolorspace". Am I missing

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From: Durrand, Paul (Contractor) 
Sent: Monday, 1 August 2011 3:49 PM
To: 'Discussion of the development of and with GStreamer'
Subject: Writing raw frames to mpegts [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]


I am currently trying to develop an application which utilises GStreamer
to write and YUV format mpegts file. The driver uses appsrc to write raw
RGB frames to a YUV mpegts file.
I am trying to get a pipeline together and as I'm new to GStreamer I am
not quite sure which plugins and caps to set.I was hoping someone can
point me in the right direction.
With the pipeline: "appsrc name=\"adsssrc\"
caps=\"video/x-raw-rgb,width=704,height=480,framerate=(fraction)25/1\" !
ffmpegcolorspace ! video/x-raw-yuv ! ffenc_mpeg2video ! mpegtsmux !
filesink location=processed.mpg " I get the following errors:

	 0:00:00.107419734 ESC[332m28183ESC[00m      0x2556010
ESC[32;01mINFO   ESC[00m ESC[00;01;31m          GST_STATES
gstbin.c:2425:gst_bin_change_state_func:<bin0>ESC[00m child 'adsssrc'
changed state to 3(PAUSED) successfully
	0:00:00.140944498 ESC[332m28183ESC[00m      0x2758f90
ESC[33;01mWARN   ESC[00m ESC[00m       basetransform
0m transform could not transform video/x-raw-rgb, width=(int)704,
height=(int)480, framerate=(fraction)25/1 in anything we support
	0:00:00.141210658 ESC[332m28183ESC[00m      0x2758f90
ESC[33;01mWARN   ESC[00m ESC[00m       basetransform
FAILED to configure caps <ffmpegcsp0:src> to accept video/x-raw-yuv,
width=(int)704, height=(int)480, framerate=(fraction)25/1,
	0:00:00.141441378 ESC[332m28183ESC[00m      0x2758f90
ESC[32;01mINFO   ESC[00m ESC[00m             basesrc
gstbasesrc.c:2447:gst_base_src_loop:<adsssrc>ESC[00m pausing after
gst_pad_push() = not-negotiated

My test source is below:

	#include <stdlib.h>
	#include <glib.h>
	#include <gst/gst.h>
	#include <gst/app/gstappsink.h>
	#include <gst/app/gstappsrc.h>
	#include <gst/app/gstappbuffer.h>

	int main(void)
	  const int width=704;
	  const int height=480;
	  const int numFrames=50;
	  const int layers=3;
	  char *fullPipelineDesc = "appsrc name=\"adsssrc\"
caps=\"video/x-raw-rgb,width=704,height=480,framerate=(fraction)25/1\" !
ffmpegcolorspace ! video/x-raw-yuv ! ffenc_mpeg2video ! mpegtsmux !
filesink location=processed.mpg ";
	  GstElement *writePipeline;
	  GError     *error     = NULL;
	  GstAppSrc *appsrc    = NULL;
	  GstBuffer *app_buffer;
	  unsigned char *outByte;
	  unsigned char *outBuff;
	  int outBuffSize = width * height * layers;
	  int count=0;
	  outBuff = calloc(outBuffSize, sizeof(unsigned char));

	  gst_init(NULL, NULL);
	  writePipeline =
gst_parse_bin_from_description(fullPipelineDesc, FALSE, &error);
	  appsrc = (GstAppSrc *)
gst_bin_get_by_name(GST_BIN(writePipeline), "adsssrc");
	  gst_element_set_state(writePipeline, GST_STATE_PLAYING);
	  /******** WRITE SOME RGB DATA INTO A BUFFER *******/
	  for (int frame=0; frame<numFrames; frame++)
	     count = 0;
	     for (int row=0; row<height; row++)
	        for (int plane=0; plane<layers; plane++)
	   for (int pixel=0; pixel<width; pixel++)
	      outByte  = outBuff;
	      outByte += (row*width*layers) + (pixel*layers) + plane;
	      if (row%2)
	        *outByte = 255;
	        *outByte = 0;
	      app_buffer = gst_app_buffer_new(outBuff, outBuffSize, 
	                                  g_free, outBuff);
	      /* Write the buffer to the source pad */
	      gst_app_src_push_buffer(GST_APP_SRC(appsrc), app_buffer);
	  return 0;


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