How to empty pipeline stages linked to an inactive output-selector source pad?

Fabrizio Dini dini.fabrizio at
Thu Dec 22 09:36:08 PST 2011

Hello everybody!

This is my first post on this mailing list, so please forgive me for any
misuse of this list or netiquette violation I might commit: sorry in

That said, the subject says it all, I think.

I have a video pipeline that includes an output-selector. Downstream the
selector, I have two branches of pipeline linked to two src pad of the
selector. They are equal: a muxer and a file sink.

What I would like to do is, when I change the active pad on the
output-selector, have the stages downstream the inactive pad to push their
buffers to the next stage, instead of dropping it. Here, I am calling
"inactive pad" the one which become inactive as a consequence of changing
the the "active-pad" property in the selector, or put differently, the pad
that was _previously_ active.

I tried sending a different events to the active pad before changing it,
but without success.

Any hint?

Thank you in advance.

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