Get current downloaded size

Tim-Philipp Müller t.i.m at
Sat Dec 31 03:57:39 PST 2011

On Fri, 2011-12-30 at 17:50 -0300, Damián Nohales wrote:


> I am developing an application that must play a music file over the
> Internet, through HTTP (remote streaming). I am using GStreamer and Python.
> Is there a way to know the current amount of time downloaded of the
> music file? No the music file duration, but the current data downloaded
> by GStreamer expressed in a time unit.
> If helps, the code that I using for play the remote music file is
> [playbin]

If you're after the current playback position, do a position query on
the pipeline/playbin once the pipeline is prerolled (i.e. you got an
ASYNC_DONE message on the bus). However, often there may be some more
buffering going on after the source as well. Why do you need to know the
size of this queue in time?


PS: you should probably use playbin2 instead of plabin

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