Gnolin - Notes and Clarification

Matt Veenstra matt at
Fri Feb 18 11:32:10 PST 2011

I want to confirm my understanding about the relationship between
Gnolin elements and timelines.

This is what I understand and may be useful for other beginners
searching the archives.
- Each "gnlfilesource" must contain only one stream and you must set
the caps to pick the stream on a multi-stream file source.  A/V only
to my knowledge.  I am not sure caps could handle a file with multiple
audio streams for example.
- "gnlfilesource" is it self a simple helper function and can be
duplicated with "gnlsource" and the proper standard gstreamer filesrc,
decode bin, etc.
- "gnlcomposition" is a group element to hold multiple streams of the
same type (audio streams, video streams, etc).
- You need 2 "gnlcomposition" one for audio and one for video if you
are using "gnlfilesource".
- You can do simple tests with just "gnlfilesource" without the
"gnlcomposition" when using only one source file.
- If you want to use "gnloperation" you must do this in a
"gnlcomposition" generally between 2 "gnlsource"

Is the master timeline the pipeline itself?
If I have 2 "gnlcomposition".  With different file sources in each
composition that have the exact same start and duration times, am I
guaranteed that these will be perfectly in sync?

Thanks for reading and helping with the questions.  This information I
felt was missing as I started.  Maybe it was because I did not know
where to look.

Matt Veenstra
gstreamer-devel mailing list
gstreamer-devel at

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