Tracking time for which a pipeline has been in Playing state.

Yogesh Marwaha yogeshm.007 at
Sun Feb 20 06:46:58 PST 2011


I'm coding a transcoding application (not using encodebin).

Upto now I had been using following code to get time for which the pipeline 
has been in Playing state (To show user information like xx minutes/seconds 
the operation has run for or to calcutate averate speed and estimate remaining 
time etc.): -
        GstClockTime elapsedTime = GST_CLOCK_TIME_NONE;
        GstClock *clock = gst_element_get_clock(m_pPipeline);
            elapsedTime = (gst_clock_get_time(clock) -  
gst_element_get_base_time(m_pPipeline)) / GST_SECOND;

Pipeline is like this: -
        gst_bin_add_many(GST_BIN(m_pPipeline), source, queue, audioConvert, 
audioEncoder, container, sink, NULL);

But then I added code to allow pausing the operation like this: -
    gst_element_set_state(m_pPipeline, GST_STATE_PAUSED);

Now pipeline is paused but the clock is not. It is running always.

What should I do achieve my target?


Yogesh Marwaha
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