fluendo smd plugins for Intel smd platform

Johns Victor Victor.Johns at technicolor.com
Wed Feb 23 09:37:15 PST 2011

Hi All,
  I am going thru the fluendo smd plugins and currently am trying to understand how the clock distribution works. Typically in the smd platform, there will be a single clock that drives all the renderers, in this way all the renderers can have the same base time. As I go thru the code, I see that each renderer will allocate a clock, which is kind of strange. I also noticed in the ismd_plugins.c file that the ismd_gst_clock element was not initialized. When I add this to the

static struct _elements_entry _elements[]  array, i get an error that

gst-plugin-scanner:688: Glib-CRITICAL g_once_init_leave: assertion initialization_valye != 0 failed

gst-plugin-scanner:688 GStreamer-CRITICAL : gst_element_regiser : assertion `g_type_is_a (type, GST_TYPE_ELEMENT) failed

So I don't think that this code is meant to be part of a gst-launch pipeline. If this is the case, I don't see how all the smd renderers can be synced to the same master clock.

Any input appreciated



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