Problem with udpsrc in gst-rtsp-server

Morris Ford morrishford at
Sun Feb 27 17:05:08 PST 2011

I am working on receiving an udpsrc stream and publishing it as an rtsp
stream. This gst-launch string works just fine to receive the stream:

gst-launch-0.10 -v udpsrc port=5000 caps="application/x-rtp,
media=\(string\)video, clock-rate=\(int\)90000,
encoding-name=\(string\)H264,  payload=\(int\)96, ssrc=\(guint\)2396357661,
clock-base=\(guint\)2297066863, seqnum-base=\(guint\)49439" ! rtph264depay !
decodebin ! ffmpegcolorspace ! videoscale ! xvimagesink sync=false

but when I try to take that pipeline and put it into a test-launch, I get
complaints about not being able to set the caps on udpsrc to

Like this:

./test-launch "( udpsrc port=5000 caps="application/x-rtp,
media=\(string\)video, clock-rate=\(int\)90000,
encoding-name=\(string\)H264,  payload=\(int\)96, ssrc=\(guint\)2396357661,
clock-base=\(guint\)2297066863, seqnum-base=\(guint\)49439" ! rtph264depay !
decodebin ! ffmpegcolorspace ! videoscale ! x264enc ! rtph264pay name-pay0
pt=96 )"

** (lt-test-launch:20772): CRITICAL **: could not parse launch syntax ((
udpsrc port=5000 caps=application/x-rtp,): could not set property "caps" in
element "udpsrc0" to "application/x-rtp,"

** (lt-test-launch:20772): CRITICAL **: could not create element

I could not find any examples of udpsrc in a test-launch line or udpsrc in a
gst-rtsp-server 'c' program so I am not at all sure if what I am trying to
do is valid.

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