[gst-devel] Play audio from a memory buffer?

bcg bradley.goldsmith at gmail.com
Wed Jan 5 09:48:19 CET 2011

The example:

appsrc-stream.c: example for using appsrc in streaming mode.

Fits the bill. It loads a file as a memory map but if you shoehorn in
your memory location and size at lines:

207 	  app->length = g_mapped_file_get_length (app->file);
208 	  app->data = (guint8 *) g_mapped_file_get_contents (app->file);

You'll have a working example of what I was after.


1 	/* GStreamer
2 	 *
3 	 * appsrc-stream.c: example for using appsrc in streaming mode.
4 	 *
5 	 * Copyright (C) 2008 Wim Taymans <wim.taymans at gmail.com>
6 	 *
7 	 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
8 	 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
9 	 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
10 	 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11 	 *
12 	 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 	 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 	 * Library General Public License for more details.
16 	 *
17 	 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
18 	 * License along with this library; if not, write to the
19 	 * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
20 	 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
21 	 */
23 	#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
24 	#include "config.h"
25 	#endif
27 	#include <gst/gst.h>
29 	#include <stdio.h>
30 	#include <string.h>
31 	#include <stdlib.h>
33 	GST_DEBUG_CATEGORY (appsrc_playbin_debug);
34 	#define GST_CAT_DEFAULT appsrc_playbin_debug
36 	/*
37 	 * an example application of using appsrc in streaming push mode.
We simply push
38 	 * buffers into appsrc. The size of the buffers we push can be any size we
39 	 * choose.
40 	 *
41 	 * This example is very close to how one would deal with a
streaming webserver
42 	 * that does not support range requests or does not report the
total file size.
43 	 *
44 	 * Some optimisations are done so that we don't push too much
data. We connect
45 	 * to the need-data and enough-data signals to start/stop sending buffers.
46 	 *
47 	 * Appsrc in streaming mode (the default) does not support seeking
so we don't
48 	 * have to handle any seek callbacks.
49 	 *
50 	 * Some formats are able to estimate the duration of the media
file based on the
51 	 * file length (mp3, mpeg,..), others report an unknown length (ogg,..).
52 	 */
53 	typedef struct _App App;
55 	struct _App
56 	{
57 	  GstElement *playbin;
58 	  GstElement *appsrc;
60 	  GMainLoop *loop;
61 	  guint sourceid;
63 	  GMappedFile *file;
64 	  guint8 *data;
65 	  gsize length;
66 	  guint64 offset;
67 	};
69 	App s_app;
71 	#define CHUNK_SIZE  4096
73 	/* This method is called by the idle GSource in the mainloop. We
74 	 * bytes into appsrc.
75 	 * The ide handler is added to the mainloop when appsrc requests us to start
76 	 * sending data (need-data signal) and is removed when appsrc has
enough data
77 	 * (enough-data signal).
78 	 */
79 	static gboolean
80 	read_data (App * app)
81 	{
82 	  GstBuffer *buffer;
83 	  guint len;
84 	  GstFlowReturn ret;
86 	  buffer = gst_buffer_new ();
88 	  if (app->offset >= app->length) {
89 	    /* we are EOS, send end-of-stream and remove the source */
90 	    g_signal_emit_by_name (app->appsrc, "end-of-stream", &ret);
91 	    return FALSE;
92 	  }
94 	  /* read the next chunk */
95 	  len = CHUNK_SIZE;
96 	  if (app->offset + len > app->length)
97 	    len = app->length - app->offset;
99 	  GST_BUFFER_DATA (buffer) = app->data + app->offset;
100 	  GST_BUFFER_SIZE (buffer) = len;
102 	  GST_DEBUG ("feed buffer %p, offset %" G_GUINT64_FORMAT "-%u", buffer,
103 	      app->offset, len);
104 	  g_signal_emit_by_name (app->appsrc, "push-buffer", buffer, &ret);
105 	  if (ret != GST_FLOW_OK) {
106 	    /* some error, stop sending data */
107 	    return FALSE;
108 	  }
110 	  app->offset += len;
112 	  return TRUE;
113 	}
115 	/* This signal callback is called when appsrc needs data, we add
an idle handler
116 	 * to the mainloop to start pushing data into the appsrc */
117 	static void
118 	start_feed (GstElement * playbin, guint size, App * app)
119 	{
120 	  if (app->sourceid == 0) {
121 	    GST_DEBUG ("start feeding");
122 	    app->sourceid = g_idle_add ((GSourceFunc) read_data, app);
123 	  }
124 	}
126 	/* This callback is called when appsrc has enough data and we can
stop sending.
127 	 * We remove the idle handler from the mainloop */
128 	static void
129 	stop_feed (GstElement * playbin, App * app)
130 	{
131 	  if (app->sourceid != 0) {
132 	    GST_DEBUG ("stop feeding");
133 	    g_source_remove (app->sourceid);
134 	    app->sourceid = 0;
135 	  }
136 	}
138 	/* this callback is called when playbin2 has constructed a source
object to read
139 	 * from. Since we provided the appsrc:// uri to playbin2, this will be the
140 	 * appsrc that we must handle. We set up some signals to start
and stop pushing
141 	 * data into appsrc */
142 	static void
143 	found_source (GObject * object, GObject * orig, GParamSpec *
pspec, App * app)
144 	{
145 	  /* get a handle to the appsrc */
146 	  g_object_get (orig, pspec->name, &app->appsrc, NULL);
148 	  GST_DEBUG ("got appsrc %p", app->appsrc);
150 	  /* we can set the length in appsrc. This allows some elements
to estimate the
151 	   * total duration of the stream. It's a good idea to set the
property when you
152 	   * can but it's not required. */
153 	  g_object_set (app->appsrc, "size", app->length, NULL);
155 	  /* configure the appsrc, we will push data into the appsrc from the
156 	   * mainloop. */
157 	  g_signal_connect (app->appsrc, "need-data", G_CALLBACK
(start_feed), app);
158 	  g_signal_connect (app->appsrc, "enough-data", G_CALLBACK
(stop_feed), app);
159 	}
161 	static gboolean
162 	bus_message (GstBus * bus, GstMessage * message, App * app)
163 	{
164 	  GST_DEBUG ("got message %s",
165 	      gst_message_type_get_name (GST_MESSAGE_TYPE (message)));
167 	  switch (GST_MESSAGE_TYPE (message)) {
168 	    case GST_MESSAGE_ERROR:
169 	      g_error ("received error");
170 	      g_main_loop_quit (app->loop);
171 	      break;
172 	    case GST_MESSAGE_EOS:
173 	      g_main_loop_quit (app->loop);
174 	      break;
175 	    default:
176 	      break;
177 	  }
178 	  return TRUE;
179 	}
181 	int
182 	main (int argc, char *argv[])
183 	{
184 	  App *app = &s_app;
185 	  GError *error = NULL;
186 	  GstBus *bus;
188 	  gst_init (&argc, &argv);
190 	  GST_DEBUG_CATEGORY_INIT (appsrc_playbin_debug, "appsrc-playbin", 0,
191 	      "appsrc playbin example");
193 	  if (argc < 2) {
194 	    g_print ("usage: %s <filename>\n", argv[0]);
195 	    return -1;
196 	  }
198 	  /* try to open the file as an mmapped file */
199 	  app->file = g_mapped_file_new (argv[1], FALSE, &error);
200 	  if (error) {
201 	    g_print ("failed to open file: %s\n", error->message);
202 	    g_error_free (error);
203 	    return -2;
204 	  }
205 	  /* get some vitals, this will be used to read data from the
mmapped file and
206 	   * feed it to appsrc. */
207 	  app->length = g_mapped_file_get_length (app->file);
208 	  app->data = (guint8 *) g_mapped_file_get_contents (app->file);
209 	  app->offset = 0;
211 	  /* create a mainloop to get messages and to handle the idle
handler that will
212 	   * feed data to appsrc. */
213 	  app->loop = g_main_loop_new (NULL, TRUE);
215 	  app->playbin = gst_element_factory_make ("playbin2", NULL);
216 	  g_assert (app->playbin);
218 	  bus = gst_pipeline_get_bus (GST_PIPELINE (app->playbin));
220 	  /* add watch for messages */
221 	  gst_bus_add_watch (bus, (GstBusFunc) bus_message, app);
223 	  /* set to read from appsrc */
224 	  g_object_set (app->playbin, "uri", "appsrc://", NULL);
226 	  /* get notification when the source is created so that we get a
handle to it
227 	   * and can configure it */
228 	  g_signal_connect (app->playbin, "deep-notify::source",
229 	      (GCallback) found_source, app);
231 	  /* go to playing and wait in a mainloop. */
232 	  gst_element_set_state (app->playbin, GST_STATE_PLAYING);
234 	  /* this mainloop is stopped when we receive an error or EOS */
235 	  g_main_loop_run (app->loop);
237 	  GST_DEBUG ("stopping");
239 	  gst_element_set_state (app->playbin, GST_STATE_NULL);
241 	  /* free the file */
242 	  g_mapped_file_free (app->file);
244 	  gst_object_unref (bus);
245 	  g_main_loop_unref (app->loop);
247 	  return 0;
248 	}

On Wed, Jan 5, 2011 at 5:30 PM, rohitratri at gmail.com [via
GStreamer-devel] <ml-node+3174884-1621197215-207298 at n4.nabble.com>
> It can be put in the pipeline. But you need to pump data into it from your
> application. Your application would be (sort of) the 'source' and appsrc is
> like a cheat code to make the following elements think that there is
> actually a source element in there at the start of the pipeline feeding them
> gstbuffers.
> Try looking up the output format of filesrc element and package your data
> similarly and feed it to appsrc. Rest will be taken care by the
> bin/pipeline.
> Rohit
> On Wed, Jan 5, 2011 at 11:34 AM, Brad Goldsmith <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Can appsrc be put in that pipeline, in place of filesrc, without any
>> additional elements?
>> Cheers,
>> Brad
>> On Wed, Jan 5, 2011 at 1:55 AM, Tim-Philipp Müller <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> > On Tue, 2011-01-04 at 04:35 -0800, bcg wrote:
>> >
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> >> This should almost be an FAQ but it's not in there so here goes:
>> >>
>> >> I have a pipeline thus:
>> >>
>> >> file-source ->  decodebin -> audioresample -> converter -> audio_output
>> >>
>> >> Using location (or fd if I change file_source to a fdsrc) I can happily
>> >> play
>> >> most audio I throw at it (including mp3s) providing its in a file. What
>> >> I
>> >> would like to do is play from a memory location with the mp3 data
>> >> already in
>> >> it.
>> >>
>> >> I am assuming I would need to use a fakesrc with a callback to get my
>> >> data
>> >> into the pipeline - I've tried lots of variations on this and gotten
>> >> nowhere.
>> >>
>> >> Can I just replace the file-source with the fakesrc, load the data and
>> >> go
>> >> (if this is possible couple someone provide an example)? Or do I have
>> >> to
>> >> worry about queues and caps? If so, can someone provide an example?
>> >> Will
>> >> decodebin suffice or will I have to be more specific?
>> >
>> > Use appsrc.
>> >
>> > Cheers
>> >  -Tim
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
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