How to play a list of MP4 files succesively

BING SHUANG billy.shuang at
Thu Jun 9 00:30:24 PDT 2011

     I am working on a project needs to play several MP4 files succesively,
which should be played continuously (succesively as it was only one file). 
     Is it possible for this functions in gstreamer? 
     I know there is a plugin named "applehlssrc" for playing .m3u8 playlist
contains a list of ".ts" stream, so I want to know is there such a plugin
can support a playlist contains a list of MP4 files/streams and play
succesively? Which kind of playlist will it be?   
     Or how can I design a plugin in gstreamer for supporting suck kind of

     I am newer in gstreamer and I really need your help. 
     Thank you very much!


Best Regards!


双兵/Bing Shuang


LG Electronics (Shanghai) R&D Center

Tel: 021-5854 0114 - 8203

Fax: 021-5854 0102

E-mail: billy.shuang at


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