How to change framerate in REALTIME when video is PLAYING?

Tom fb8fb8 at
Wed Mar 9 19:42:34 PST 2011


I use
gst-launch filesrc "location=video/1.MPG" ! decodebin ! videorate !
video/x-raw-yuv, width=640,height=480,framerate=25/1 ! ffmpegcolorspace !
jpegenc ! multipartmux ! tcpserversink host= port=$portNumber
to stream a video and can change the video frame rate in this way.
But in this way the frame rate is fixed (i.e., framerate=25/1 here).

I want to change the framerate in REALTIME when video is PLAYING  ---
during the streaming of this video, I can change the framerate anytime I

Someone has replied that I can use Python to get dynamically changing.
 But I am a new user of Gstreamer and my project is due next week :(
I searched those python examples but did not get information that I can use
for my problem :(

Anyone can give me a simple example of this kind of Python script?
Thanks you in advance!

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