Audio Video Mixer Application

bhavna bhavna.yadav at
Mon May 23 01:51:20 PDT 2011

Hello Guys,

Help needed on GStreamer. I don't have much info of it.
Actually my objective is to find/build the application to satisfy the 
scenario as following

			|		|	
video played===>HDMI==>	|		|
from Settop	Rx	|		|
box 			|		|=====> MIX and store the data e
			|		|
			Video-->RGB Data

Is there any gstreamer application availble which can mix Audio data 
coming from SPDIF pins of HDMI and raw RGB data from HDMI Video pins.
HDMI Rx will be supporting V4L2 framework.

Thanks & Regards
Bhavna Yadav
ST Microelectronics

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