queue problem

Hoggins! fuckspam at wheres5.com
Sat Oct 1 07:40:25 PDT 2011

Hello list,

I'm new here, and I'm posting for the first time with a little problem,
mostly due to my lack of knowledge. I'm sure it has already been
discussed here, but I can't find it in the list's archives.

I'm trying to receive audio from another Gstreamer sender (which works
perfectly, I'm able to receive clear sound on a test machine), and
duplicate it in several flavours on an Icecast server. So the Gstreamer
receives the CELT data, depays, decodes, and then uses different queues
to encode it in mp3 (320kbps, 192kbps, and so on), and send it as
different mountpoints on the Icecast server.

I'm able to send it once, but I cannot duplicate the streams, using the
queue element. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong ? The following
syntax throws an error : "pipeline error : can't connect shout2send0 to

gst-launch gstrtpbin name=rtpbin udpsrc port=5000
caps='application/x-rtp, media=(string)audio, clock-rate=(int)44100,
encoding-name=(string)CELT, encoding-params=(string)2,
frame-size=(string)480, payload=(int)96' ! rtpceltdepay ! celtdec !
queue ! audioconvert ! lame bitrate=320 ! shout2send mount=/live320.mp3
port=8000 password=xxxx ip= ! queue ! audioconvert ! lame
bitrate=320 ! shout2send mount=/live320.mp3 port=8000 password=xxxx

Thanks in advance,


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