playbin2 connected to

Steve it at
Tue Oct 11 08:01:07 PDT 2011

Hi Guys,

I am trying to modify wxMediaCtrl so that I can save a file.

wxMediaCtrl uses playbin (which I am updating to playbin2).  I have
experimented with GST_PLAY_FLAG_DOWNLOAD, but the quality is not really good

So I am trying to create a new top-level bin containing the following

tee name=t ! t. ! queue ! ffmpegcolorspace ! ximagesink ! t. ! queue
videorate ! video/x-raw-yuv,framerate=10/1 ! y4menc ! filesink

I then attach playbin2 to bin via its video-sink property with ghostpads.  

My issue is that I get nothing.  No errors just a blank screen.

The code follows.

Many thanks in advance for your help.



// wxGStreamerMediaBackend::DeviceCapture
// Used to Capture and store input from a local device (eg /dev/video0) in a
specified file.
//bool wxGStreamerMediaBackend::DeviceCapture(const gchar* fileSaveName,  //
If NULL just plays device, doesn't save.
//          const wxString& inputDevice, // Defaults to /dev/video0
//          const wxString& gst_encoder, // Defaults to y4menc
//          long encode_quality,         // Defaults to encoder default
//          long framesSecond)         // Defaults to 10/1
bool wxGStreamerMediaBackend::DeviceCapture()
      // Pause video and delete Bin.    
      g_printerr ("DeviceCapture starts.\n");
      // Set playbin to ready to stop the current media...
      if( gst_element_set_state (m_playbin,
                               GST_STATE_READY) == GST_STATE_FAILURE ||
        !SyncStateChange(m_playbin, GST_STATE_READY))
          wxLogSysError(wxT("wxGStreamerMediaBackend::Load - ")
                        wxT("Could not set initial state to ready"));
              return false;
      // free current media resources
      gst_element_set_state (m_playbin, GST_STATE_NULL);
      // Create DeviceCapture object
      GstElement *bin, *videotee, *monitorqueue,  *filequeue, *colorspace,
*encoder, *filesink; 
      GstPad *pad, *ghostpad;
      // Create elements
      bin = gst_bin_new ("sink_bin");
      videotee = gst_element_factory_make ("tee", "videotee");
      monitorqueue = gst_element_factory_make ("queue", "monitorqueue");
      filequeue = gst_element_factory_make ("queue", "filequeue");
      colorspace = gst_element_factory_make ("ffmpegcolorspace",
      // Setup video sink - first try gconf, then auto, then xvimage and
      // then finally plain ximage
      GstElement* videosink = gst_gconf_get_default_video_sink();
      if( !TryVideoSink(videosink) )
   videosink = gst_element_factory_make ("autovideosink", "video-sink");
   if( !TryVideoSink(videosink) )
       videosink = gst_element_factory_make ("xvimagesink", "video-sink");
       if( !TryVideoSink(videosink) )
    // finally, do a final fallback to ximagesink
    videosink =
        gst_element_factory_make ("ximagesink", "video-sink");
    if( !TryVideoSink(videosink) )
        wxLogSysError(wxT("Could not find a suitable video sink"));
        return false;
      encoder = gst_element_factory_make ("y4menc", "videoenc");
      filesink = gst_element_factory_make ("filesink", "filesink");

      // Error reporting
      if (!bin|| !colorspace || !encoder
 || !videotee ) {
   g_printerr ("One element could not be created.\n");
   return NULL;
      // Set paramaters for the GstElements
      g_object_set (G_OBJECT (filesink), "location", "tmp_vid.mkv", NULL);
      // add elements to pipeline
      gst_bin_add_many (GST_BIN (bin),
 colorspace, encoder, videotee, monitorqueue, videosink, filequeue,
filesink, NULL);
      pad = gst_element_get_static_pad (videotee, "sink");
      ghostpad = gst_ghost_pad_new ("sink_pad", pad);
      gst_element_add_pad(bin, ghostpad); 
      // link elements.
      gst_element_link_many( videotee, monitorqueue, colorspace, videosink,
      gst_element_link_many( videotee, filequeue, NULL );
      // Create caps stuff
      GstCaps *caps;
      caps = gst_caps_new_simple ("video/x-raw-yuv",
//    "format", GST_TYPE_FOURCC, GST_MAKE_FOURCC ('I', '4', '2', '0'),
//    "width", G_TYPE_INT, 384,
//    "height", G_TYPE_INT, 288,
    "framerate", GST_TYPE_FRACTION, 10, 1,
      gboolean link_ok;
      link_ok = gst_element_link_filtered (filequeue, encoder, caps);
      if (!link_ok) {
 g_warning ("Failed to link filequeue and encoder.");
      gst_caps_unref (caps);
      if (!GST_IS_ELEMENT(bin))
   wxLogSysError(wxT("Got an invalid bin"));
   return false;
      gst_element_link_many( encoder, filesink, NULL );
//     // Now that we know (or, rather think) our video and audio sink
//     // are valid set our playbin to use them
    g_object_set (G_OBJECT (m_playbin),
                  "video-sink", bin,
    // Try to pause media as gstreamer won't let us query attributes
    // such as video size unless it is paused or playing
    if( gst_element_set_state (m_playbin,
                               GST_STATE_PAUSED) == GST_STATE_FAILURE ||
        !SyncStateChange(m_playbin, GST_STATE_PAUSED))
        return false; // no real error message needed here as this is
                      // generic failure 99% of the time (i.e. no
                      // source etc.) and has an error message
    g_printerr ("DeviceCapture activated.\n");
    return true;

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