R: How to get new plug-ins into the repo?

fabrizio gennari fabrizio.ge at tiscali.it
Mon Sep 26 02:57:38 PDT 2011

(first of all, sorry for the double post, I didn't expect the message 
"awaiting moderator approval" to be approved...)

> Link to the repo?

It can be browsed online at http://wav-prg.git.sourceforge.

>Is it a library, or a 
self-contained plugin? 

It is 3 plug-ins. 1 is self-contained, and 
contains reader and write for the TAP file format, and a frequency 
converter. The other 2 are called gsttapenc.so and gsttapdec.so, and 
depend on external libraries: respectively libtapencoder.so and 
libtapdecoder.so. Both these libraries are LGPL, and can be built from 
the source at http://sourceforge.net/projects/wav-prg/files/audiotap/1.
6/libtap-1.6-source.zip/download .

>What license is the code under?


>Usually your best bet is to make a patch against gst-plugins-bad 
and one
>against gst-plugins-base for the typefinder, and put it in 

I'll post the typefind patch. About the rest, it will be 
some work to add it to the gst-plugins-bad tree, as it is now in its 
own tree (created starting from gst-template).


Messaggio originale----
Da: fabrizio.ge at tiscali.it
Data: 26/09/2011 
A: <gstreamer-devel at lists.freedesktop.org>
Ogg: How to get new 
plug-ins into the repo?


I've written some GStreamer plug-ins 
for an audio file format. It is far 
from mainstream: it is mainly of 
interest for retrocomputing fans. It is 
the TAP format, a lossy 
compressed audio format used to efficiently 
store tapes used by the 
Commodore computers in the 80s.

Despite it being obscure and with a 
limited audience, I wonder whether 
it was possible to add it to the 
repository. It is in a Git repo hosted 
by Sourceforge. Also, there is 
a patch to the typefind plugin: with 
that, Totem can play TAP files. 
The latter would be sent as unified diff.


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