Screen tearing with xvimagesink

Matt Hurne matt at
Fri Sep 30 05:47:16 PDT 2011

Our application is using GStreamer for video playback.  We are using a
playbin2 with an xvimagesink, and are using its support for
gstxoverlay to have it draw the video on a particular window.  This
has been mostly successful, with one problem: from time to time, we
see some screen tearing.  We do not see the tearing constantly, and we
do not always see it at the same point in a given video.  We have
tested playback with at least a dozen different videos, and tearing
has randomly occurred regardless of the video being played.  We are
running our application on a system with an NVIDIA GPU, and have the
latest stable proprietary driver installed (version 280.13).   We have
ensured that the "Sync to VBlank" option in the "X Server XVideo
Settings" section of the nvidia-settings GUI is enabled.  We have also
disabled Xorg's Composite extension.  We are not using a desktop
environment that requires compositing; in fact, we aren't using a
desktop environment at all.  Instead, we have X launch our application
directly via our xinitrc.

What might be causing this problem?  If you would like any additional
information about the environment, I will be glad to provide it.

Matt Hurne

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