Understanding rtsp protocolo
Rossana Guerra
guerra.rossana at gmail.com
Thu Apr 5 14:00:35 PDT 2012
thanks Nicola, I need some control over the pipeline, seeking, message
hander, etc.
Is the a way to do this? I ask this beacause this line creates the
str = g_strdup_printf ("( "
"filesrc location=%s ! qtdemux name=d "
"d. ! queue ! rtph264pay pt=96 name=pay0 "
"d. ! queue ! rtpmp4apay pt=97 name=pay1 " ")", argv[1]);
but how I name/get it to do further 'enhacements' to the pipeline? is this
2012/4/5 Mailing List SVR <lists at svrinformatica.it>
> Il 05/04/2012 21:42, Rossana Guerra ha scritto:
> If I understood you well, I need to use avidemux and then a payloader.
> I did it as my pipeline shows, so the linking to a payloader is the only
> missing?
> I have something
> decodebin2 ------ ....some other
> artifacts......--------- queue // for audio
> |
> filescr ---avidemux----
> |
> decodebin2 -------- ........ ----------
> queue // for video
> thanks
> please take a look here:
> http://cgit.freedesktop.org/gstreamer/gst-rtsp-server/tree/examples/test-mp4.c#n49
> adjust demuxer and payloder for your case,
> Nicola
> 2012/4/5 Rossana Guerra <guerra.rossana at gmail.com>
>> 2012/4/5 Stefan Sauer <ensonic at hora-obscura.de>
>>> On 04/05/2012 03:23 AM, Rossana Guerra wrote:
>>> Hi everyone, I am very clueless about it since I didn't find so much
>>> documentation whic could help me.
>>> I need something like the *test-ogg.c* example but suited for AVI
>>> files. In the example the following line creates the pipeline:
>>> str = g_strdup_printf ("( "
>>> "filesrc location=%s ! oggdemux name=d "
>>> "d. ! queue ! rtptheorapay name=pay0 pt=96 "
>>> "d. ! queue ! rtpvorbispay name=pay1 pt=97 " ")", argv[1]);
>>> 1- Is the any AVI payloader?, if not, what is the way to do it?
>>> You would not stream the avi as such, but demux it and playload the
>>> streams inside the avi (the audio and video). For those there should be
>>> payloader (e.g. mpeg4 and mp3).
>> Stefan thanks for your answer, could you suggest any example or reading?
>> Second, I need some control using a message hander, is this possible?. I
>> don't have idea which the pipeline is.
>> Regards,
>> Rossana
>>> Stefan
>>> 2- I suppose I can handle messages as usual, isn't it?.
>>> I don't loose my hope for any suggestion, thanks and regards
>>> Rossana
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