Audio rate problems
Sudarshan Bisht
bisht.sudarshan at
Mon Apr 16 04:50:37 PDT 2012
No need to use num-buffers property with both the sources, use it only with
one source.
From: Garth Tissington
Sent: 16/04/2012 09:02
To: gstreamer-devel at
Subject: Audio rate problems
I am a complete Gstreamer new. Please forgive me if this is a common
question. I found many other "audio synchronization" posts on this
list-serve but none of the offered answers seems to address my problem.
My pipe line is simply trying to mux an audiotestsrc with a videotestsrc
and output to a filesink.
videotestsrc num-buffers=150 ! video/x-raw-yuv,width=1920, height=1080 !
timeoverlay ! videorate ! queue ! xvidenc ! avimux name=mux mux.
! filesink sync=true location=new.avi
audiotestsrc num-buffers=150 !
queue ! audioconvert ! audiorate ! mux.
- new.avi is produced.
- Video is exactly 5 seconds long as expected
- Audio is about 3.5 seconds long and the remaining 1.5 seconds is
What am I missing here? I've tried every combination of sync=""
properties, etc.
Thanks very much in advance
Garth Tissington
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