"pipeline is prerolling" debug strategy?

Matt Pekar mpekar at raineyelectronics.com
Thu Aug 9 11:00:16 PDT 2012

I run this in response to user input:

void display_pipeline_in_chrome(GstElement *pipeline) {
const char* temp_filename = "gst_bin_graph_tmp";

char dot_command[1024];
char chrome_command[1024];

const char* DIR = getenv("GST_DEBUG_DUMP_DOT_DIR");
//GstDebugGraphDetails output_flags =
GstDebugGraphDetails output_flags =
GST_DEBUG_BIN_TO_DOT_FILE(GST_BIN(pipeline), output_flags, temp_filename);

snprintf(dot_command, sizeof(dot_command), "dot -Tpng %s/%s.dot -o
%s/%s.png", DIR, temp_filename, DIR, temp_filename);
snprintf(chrome_command, sizeof(chrome_command), "google-chrome %s/%s.png",
DIR, temp_filename);


It displays the whole pipeline as an image in Chrome, using the Gstreamer
debug output from graphviz.

However, that usually isn't enough to tell what's wrong.  For example, I
recently had a pipeline along these lines:

appsrc ! ffmpegcolorspace ! theoraenc ! rtptheorapay ! udpsink

This pipeline looked fine in the graph output, so to debug it I used the
GST_DEBUG environment variable on each element in the pipeline, starting at
the top:

--kill and restart
--kill and restart
--ahhh theoraenc is dropping buffers...

Doing this one step at a time let me discover which element was blocking.
 It turns out the problem was I wasn't timestamping the appsrc buffers, and
therefore theoraenc was just dropping them.

On Thu, Aug 9, 2012 at 12:38 PM, Eric Montellese <
eric.montellese at videon-central.com> wrote:

> Folks, in development I've run into various malformed or buggy pipelines
> that give this output:
> gst-launch  launch ! a ! pipeline
> Setting pipeline to PAUSED ...
> Pipeline is PREROLLING ...
> Generally I have debugged these issues through a mixture of brute force
> and intuition (looking for common sorts of problems, etc).
> But perhaps there is a better way to determine which element has held up
> the pipeline?  Some swanky debug command I'm totally unaware of that shows
> the buffers in-flight perhaps?
> Any advice?
> Thanks,
> Eric
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