AW: storing one video stream into multiple files

Garbriel Neumüller horsthuchen at
Thu Feb 2 00:43:44 PST 2012

do you know the Multifilesink plugin?
I think it would do exactly what you expect . 
I never used it by my own but it sounds quite well.

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: at
[ at lists.freedesktop
.org] Im Auftrag von Jan Spurny
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 1. Februar 2012 12:01
An: gstreamer-devel at
Betreff: storing one video stream into multiple files


I'm trying to store video from one video stream into multiple files with
given duration.
Something which could look like this:

gst-launch souphttpsrc location= ! decodebin ! x264enc
! SOMETHING filename="file_%D_%T.mp4" duration=2m

and it would produce files like these:


I don't expect that element "SOMETHING" already exists so I'll have to write
it myself. I have written a few simple gstreamer elements (mostly some kind
of raw-video transformations) so I'm quite confident I'll be able to do it,
but I do need all advices and guidelines I can get.

I'll have many different inputs - different input sources (files, http
streams, rtsp streams, v4l, ..) and also different input formats (mjpeg,
mpeg4, h264, raw-yuv). But that's ok, gstreamer can handle these without

Now I can either just simply reuse the stream and just "cut it into chunks
of desired length", but as there are so many different formats to work
Or I'll just recode video into some default format. That's why I have a
"decodebin ! x264enc" in my pipeline above. I may support more formats in
the future but for the first version one is enough.

So with one known format (let's say h264) I'll have to "pack it" (muxer)
into small chunks and write them down to disk.

This is the part where I don't really know where to start - I guess studying
some existing muxer and would be a good start, but I'm really scared of all
the complexity with encoded video streams, B-frames, I-frames, and all

Thanks in advance for any help, advices or suggestions.

Jan Spurny
gstreamer-devel mailing list
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