about gstreamer v4l2src

Stefan Sauer ensonic at hora-obscura.de
Tue Feb 7 06:59:15 PST 2012

On 02/07/2012 07:22 AM, Õű£ÀÚ wrote:
> I am new to gstreamer.My board filesystem(angstrom-distribution) is
> supplied by board provider. there is not libgstvideo4linux2.so under
> /usr/lib/gstreamer-0.10/, I copied one from other build filesystem.
> when I run
> root at taodemo <mailto:root at taodemo>:~# gst-launch -e v4l2src
> location=file.mov
> ERROR: pipeline could not be constructed: no element "v4l2src".
> root at taodemo <mailto:root at taodemo>:~# gst-inspect v4l2src
> No such element or plugin 'v4l2src'
GST_DEBUG="GST_PLUGIN_LOADING:5" gst-inspect v4l2src

the binary you copied is most likely not loadable on your target.


> my question is:
> 1: If I must do some configuration before to use v4l2src?
> 2. How can I build gstream and it's plugin on my own?
> 3. I am not sure what must i do to capture video data from RCA
> composite and compress to mp4:
> I am using a board similar to DM37x Evaluation Board(dm3730 on it)
> If I understand right, the video data is from RCA Composite to
> tvp5146, and to ISP module in cpu
> My task is read data from RCA Composite, and encode it to mp4. How can
> i do it?
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