Query about sinking to named pipes

Ian Daley ian at nian.com.au
Wed Feb 15 18:01:25 PST 2012

Hi there,

I am trying to demux a stream and send the audio to one named pipe and 
the video to another named pipe.

The problem I am encountering is using 2 named pipes I cannot get it to 
work. I can do one named piped, and I can split the stream to audio and 
video sinks no problem, but if I used 2 named pipes the stream pauses.

The video is a live stream from an IP Camera and is MJPEG / 8bit audio 
encapsulated in an ASF stream.

Here is my gst-launch command:

gst-launch -v -e souphttpsrc location="http://<ip address 
do-timestamp=true is_live=true ! asfdemux name=demux demux.video_00 ! 
jpegdec ! ffmpegcolorspace ! videorate ! 
'video/x-raw-yuv,framerate=15/1' ! filesink location="/tmp/pipeV" 
demux.audio_00 ! queue ! adpcmdec ! filesink location="/tmp/pipeA"

pipeA = audio named pipe
pipeV = video named pipe

When I run this I just get: "Setting pipeline to PAUSED"

When I run just ONE named pipe and put either the audio OR the video 
into a sink, it works.

Ideas? Is there something wrong with my gst-launch command?

Kind Regards


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