gstreamer-vaapi and ClutterGstVideoTexture

tomw tomw at
Wed Feb 22 02:37:20 PST 2012

to add some more info, the ClutterGst debug output looks like this:

Clutter-Gst-Message: [MEDIA] ./clutter-gst-player.c:474: setting uri file:///home/debian/test.mp4
Clutter-Gst-Message: [MEDIA] ./clutter-gst-player.c:423: setting subtitle URI: (null)
Clutter-Gst-Message: [MEDIA] ./clutter-gst-player.c:534: setting URI: file:///home/debian/test.mp4
Clutter-Gst-Message: [MEDIA] ./clutter-gst-player.c:423: setting subtitle URI: (null)
Clutter-Gst-Message: [AUDIO_STREAM] ./clutter-gst-player.c:570: audio-streams changed
Clutter-Gst-Message: [SUBTITLES] ./clutter-gst-player.c:574: subtitle-tracks changed
Clutter-Gst-Message: [MEDIA] ./clutter-gst-player.c:587: set playing: 1
Clutter-Gst-Message: [MEDIA] ./clutter-gst-player.c:1104: state change:  null -> ready
libva: VA-API version 0.32.0
libva: va_getDriverName() returns 0
libva: Trying to open /usr/local/lib/dri/
libva: va_openDriver() returns 0

... after this, the program just hangs

what surprises me a bit is the GST_DEBUG output stating:

0:00:00.230680967 21152 0x31f7f70 WARN  qtdemux qtdemux.c:3865:gst_qtdemux_loop:<qtdemux0> error: streaming stopped, reason not-negotiated


gst-launch-0.10 playbin2 uri=file:///home/debian/test.mp4

works perfectly well using VA-API - without that warning

any idea highly welcome,


tomw <tomw at>

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