Specifying multicast interface in Microsoft Windows using gst-launch.exe

Mauro Brenna malloblenne at gmail.com
Fri Feb 24 02:23:31 PST 2012


I am currently using a gstreamer pipeline to view an RTP multicast video

gst-launch-0.10  udpsrc multicast-iface=em1 multicast-group=
port=9040 caps="application/x-rtp, media=\(string\)video,
clock-rate=\(int\)90000, \
encoding-name=\(string\)JPEG, ssrc=\(guint\)469657143, payload=\(int\)96,
clock-base=\(guint\)2841649723, seqnum-base=\(guint\)39869" ! rtpjpegdepay
! jpegdec ! ffmpegcolorspace ! xvimagesink

The pipeline works under GNU/Linux and I would like to use it also on
I usually changes xvimagesink in autovideosink and
obviously gst-launch-0.10 in gst-launch.exe.

I can find a way to specify the multicast-iface value.
I try with the name of the connection, namely "Local Area Connection 3",
and with strings and substrings from the name of the interface displayed by
Which notation should I use? Is it possible to view a multicast streaming
using gst-launch in windows?

Best regards,

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