Timing out problem with souphttpsrc

Ian Daley ian at nian.com.au
Mon Feb 27 01:57:49 PST 2012

Hi Nicola,

The audio reliably comes in for 5 minutes, and you can hear it on the 
playback right up to the point where the stream just seems to break. My 
thoughts are perhaps the pipe isn't clearing fast enough and the buffers 
are filling them up... eventually to the point where the system halts 
the input. Unfortunately, once this happens it seems to disconnect 
itself from the pipe.

I'm not sure it's a bug in so much as when I say reliably 5 minutes, I 
mean *very* reliably.

I will do further testing tonight to see if I can get to the bottom of 
the issue. If it is a case of filling up... I have to try and work out 
if it's an internal queue filling or an external problem.

Kind Regards


On 02/27/2012 07:29 PM, Mailing List SVR wrote:
> probably no audio come in and so the video queue get full, should be 
> interesting to understand if is the camera that doesn't send audio 
> anymore or a bug in asfdemux/gstreamer,
> maybe you could open a bug report and attach a dump of the stream so 
> other people will be able to reproduce the issue without having your cam,
> Nicola
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