Matthias Dodt MDodt at
Thu Jan 26 09:16:46 PST 2012

Hey guys!

I can't really build QtGstreamer on Windows. I followed the wiki
instructions, but i get a bunch of errors. The main problem is that
automoc4 cannot be found - but i got it in my %PATH%! 

Another weired thing is that if i just run "automoc4" from the same
command line it just crashes (i don't know if this application is
supposed to run without arguments though-).

The cmake command was:
cmake -G "Visual Studio 9 2008"
/automoc" ..

Automoc is located in d:/entwicklung/tools/automoc/install/bin, which is
within %PATH%-

Cmake --build .

Gives this output:
d:\SDKs\qt-gstreamer-0.10.1\build>cmake --build .

Microsoft (R) Visual C++ Express Edition Version 9.0.30729.1.
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 2007. All rights reserved.
1>------ Build started: Project: codegen, Configuration: Debug Win32
2>------ Build started: Project: QtGLib_automoc, Configuration: Debug
Win32 ----
3>------ Build started: Project: QtGStreamerUi_automoc, Configuration:
Debug Win
32 ------
4>------ Build started: Project: QtGStreamer_automoc, Configuration:
Debug Win32
1>[BISON][parser] Building parser with bison 2.4.1
3>Der Befehl "AUTOMOC4_EXECUTABLE-NOTFOUND" ist entweder falsch
geschrieben oder

3>konnte nicht gefunden werden.


Which means AUTOMOC4_EXECUTABLE-NOTFOUND couldn't be found. If i look at
the created project files they contain

AUTOMOC4_EXECUTABLE-NOTFOUND instead of automoc4 i guess...


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