support for 3D data representation types in gstreamer listed types

Rufael Mekuria R.N.Mekuria at
Thu Jul 12 03:28:24 PDT 2012

Dear Gstreamer Experts,

I am working on a large project were we try to stream live generated 3D objects over the network in Real-Time. A typical pipeline could be: live capturing 3D object (mesh, PC) or loading .ply files, 3D compression (3DMC or others), packetisation streaming and then rendering it live at a client receiving the stream.  I have been using gstreamer and would like to use gstreamer plugins for 3D components and the pipeline developed in the project. Currently gstreamer does not support 3D data in its supported types. Examples of the data types needed: mpeg-4 visual 3DMC (mpeg-4 ES) and a raw 3d data format rrepresenting vertices + faces and network 3D data formats. Also I would like to use the gstreamer RTP facilities for achieving synchronization between different 3D streams and possibly audio.   It is currently not possible to develop linkable plugins, because the 3D type/caps are not supported in GStreamer listed types. Would it be possible for gstreamer to support such data types in near future?
If there is already some sort of support I would like to hear about this. 

For more specific information about the project, data types and involved people please contact me at rufael.mekuria at

Thanks in Advance,

Best regards, 

Rufael Mekuria

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