GStreamer-java and x264enc crashes app with SIGSEGV on Android

Marko Matić cipiripper at
Thu Jul 12 07:05:42 PDT 2012

[Posted this on gstreamer-android, but because it is native code, I thought
I give it a shot here also.]

I am trying to play around with GStreamer-java and it's h.264 encoder
(x264enc) on Android.

Now, I tried to encode raw video from test video source (set its is-live
property to TRUE), and when data starts flowing into the x264enc Element, I
get SIGSEGV in and my app crashes. And it looks like code is
dereferencing a NULL... Exact error location is in file
"gstreamer_ndk_bundle/x264/encoder/analyse.c" line 963. And it is this line:

    h->mc.memcpy_aligned( h->mb.pic.i8x8_dct_buf, h->dct.luma8x8,
sizeof(h->mb.pic.i8x8_dct_buf) );

My device's CPU is Cortex 8 and it has NEON feature...

I tried to printout to a file all `h` structure fields, and no field is

My questions:
1. How can I know what is throwing SIGSEGV, because this line of code seems
to be ok?
2. Is this a known bug or an expected behavior of x264 encoder on ARM CPU
or I am missing some encoder configuration?
3. I noticed that if I set property analyse of the encoder to 0x3:0x113
(some random value I found online) I don't get SIGSEGV, encoder seems to
work, but I get error in pipeline: Data flow error. Can I just set analyse
to a meaningful value?
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