rtspsrc: Attempting to reconnect to IPCam

Federico Zamperini fzamperini at tiscali.it
Mon Jul 16 03:46:47 PDT 2012

> Using rtspsrc, I stream from an IP cam to my app.  Sometimes the camera will
> drop off-line for any number of reasons for what may be hours. I would like
> my app to continue to attempt to reconnect to the camera until it comes back
> on line and ready to stream video again.
> What is the best way to do that?
> Is there a setting in rtspsrc that I can use to attempt a reconnection?

I searched the documentation but didn't find anything; I guess that's 
because this is an app task, not a rtspsrc one.

> Do I need to tear down and set up my pipeline again every so often?

I just stopped it (set it's status to stopped); don't know waht you mean 
by "tear down".
Then a thread periodically tries to restart it, monitoring the bus for 
error messages or chenaged status (success).


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