pros and cons of C++ vs Python - opinions please

Brian Duffy brduffy at
Wed Jul 18 08:24:08 PDT 2012

Need more info on your architecture. Generally speaking though, I agree
with previous comment ... stick to what you know unless it is really
unsuited to what you are trying to accomplish. How will you need to
distribute your application? Also, Vala has some nice bindings to gstreamer
as well, if that appeals to you.

On Wed, Jul 18, 2012 at 10:33 AM, Chuck Crisler <ccrisler at>wrote:

> I will soon be developing a gstreamer replacement for a VLC application. I
> have been a C++ programmer for over 20 years, working with gstreamer for
> the last 2. I could almost build the code (OK, I would have to research the
> plugins) in my sleep. But there is this new thing (not really, but
> somewhat) called Python that works with gstreamer. The application that I
> will develop is stand-alone in the sense that it is invoked from a
> different application. What are the relative merits of using Python vs.
> C++? Currently, no one in our shop does Python so this would be the first
> app. I can't say if it would ever be the only app. Thank you for different
> opinions. Chuck Crisler
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