PyGObject - how to use editing services

Gernot Cseh gernot.cseh at
Tue Jun 5 02:14:35 PDT 2012

Hi, I'm currently playing around with the gstreamer-0.11 and object introspection using pygobject 3.0.4 which can be found at

The thing is that I have no idea how to use (import) the gstreamer-editing-services. Do they support introspection? 
Seems that they do…

find . -name *.gir

Does anyone know how gi.repository know where to search for the libraries that support introspection

import gi
gi.require_version('Gst', '0.11')

from gi.repository import GObject
from gi.repository import Gst
from gi.repository import GstPbutils

assert Gst.version()[:2] == (0, 11)

# everything works fine till here ...
from gi.repository import GES


Tank you very much!
Regards, Gernot

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