Gstreamer-VAAPI and Totem

Alessandro Crismani alessandro.crismani at
Tue Jun 5 10:55:38 PDT 2012

 > The problem is that Totem is using the videobalance element, which is a
 > pure software element. Using software element prevent using hardware
 > acceleration like libva or VDPAU.

 > I suggested a while ago to add color balance interface to clutter-gst,
 > and change totem code to use that instead, which end up with the
 > conclusion that clutter should provide effects to implement this
 > feature. I haven't look at the status of it since.

 > cheers,
 > Nicolas

Thanks a lot Nicolas,

Have you got some pointers about the Totem/Clutter thing, so that I can 
follow its status?

As a second thought, do you happen to know if there are gstreamer based 
video players that are capable of using VAAPI as of today? I'd really 
like to benefit from hardware decoding and lower CPU cycles (for the 
sake of avoiding cooking my legs when watching movies).

Again, thanks for the prompt feedback and keep up the nice work on 
gstreamer :)


PS: could you CC me back since I am not subscribed to the ML (yet)

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