Changing brightness/contrast/hue/saturation using xvimagesink having no effect.

Yogesh Marwaha yogeshm.007 at
Wed Jun 6 20:37:31 PDT 2012


I'm trying to change brightness/contrast/hue/saturation values using
xvimagesink (inside playbin) but it is having no effect.

I set brightness like:
        g_object_set(G_OBJECT(m_pVideoSink), "brightness",
qBound(-100, value, 100) * 10, NULL);

and I get the correct value when I query the value like:
        g_object_get(G_OBJECT(m_pVideoSink), "brightness", &b, NULL);

I've correctly set the sink property of playbin to xvimagesink.

Please help me find the solution.

I've openSUSE 12.1 (Tumbleweed), gstreamer-0.10.36,
gstreamer-base-0.10.36, gstreamer-good-0.10.31, xorg 7.6 on Intel
Clarkdale system with integrated graphics)



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