gstreamer Python and cairooverlay

Łukasz Góralczyk lukasz.goralczyk at
Mon Jun 18 10:38:36 PDT 2012


I'm trying to do some video overlay using gstreamer and cairooverlay,
everything written in Python and I'm having some problemss. Here's a
snippet from my code (everything:
# create cairooverlay and attach a function
self.cairooverlay = gst.element_factory_make("cairooverlay")
self.cairooverlay.connect("draw", self.OnDraw)
# Callback function to do the drawing (inside class, also tried outside)
def OnDraw(this, overlay, cr, timestamp, duration):
  cr.show_text('Hello World')
  cr.stroke() # commit to surface

Error I get:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/some/dir/", line 71, in OnDraw
    cr.show_text('Hello World')
AttributeError: 'gobject.GBoxed' object has no attribute 'show_text'

The problem is that "cr" variable is passed as GBoxed object not a cairo
context. I suspect that GBoxed it might hold cairo context object but I
don't know how to extract it.

How to extract cairo context from this GBoxed object? Or, more general, how
to make everything work?

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