Unable to seek audio files with playbin2; manual seek also broken in plugins-good-0.10.31

Eric Montellese eric.montellese at videon-central.com
Thu Jun 21 10:00:46 PDT 2012

Ugh, this bug keeps moving out from under foot.  In gathering the log, I
looked through it for the aacparse element, and determined that it's *not*
part of the pipeline created when using my seek test app.

The seek test app uses gst_parse_launch to run "playbin2"

What's confusing is that calling gst-launch with "playbin2" *does* add the
aacparse element.  I had been assuming that the two cases would act
identically and had been using the "dot" output from the gst-launch command
to get a graphical look at the pipeline during debug.  As it turns out,
that was not accurate..

So, the new question is:  Why is the pipeline created by playbin2 different
when it is created using gst_parse_launch than when it is created by

And, as before: how do I encourage playbin2 to autoplug the parser?
 (particularly in the gst_parse_launch case)

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