VLC RTSP compatabilty with GStreamer

Hossam Khankan hossam6006 at gmail.com
Tue May 8 02:56:46 PDT 2012

I'm working on a streaming project.
I've VLC running as server, streaming mp4 (h264/aac) RTSP stream to
Flumotion server (which is based on gstreamer).
I think it's either a compatibility problem between VLC (which is based on
Live555) and Flumotion (which is based on GStreaemer) or the pipeline used
to receive RTSP stream is miss-written.

here's the pipeline used by flumotion is (rtsp.py lines 44-49):

>         return ("rtspsrc name=src location=%s ! decodebin name=d ! queue "
>                 " ! %s ffmpegcolorspace ! video/x-raw-yuv "
>                 " ! videorate ! video/x-raw-yuv,framerate=%d/%d ! "
>                 " @feeder:video@ %s ! @feeder:audio@"
>                 % (location, scaling_template, framerate[0],
>                    framerate[1], audio_template))

I'm not a gst-pipeliner ! so please help me not to struggle with that.
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