Audio video sync problem in the multicast mode

Nicolas Dufresne nicolas.dufresne at
Sun Nov 25 14:27:49 PST 2012

Le mardi 20 novembre 2012 à 13:14 -0800, Nathan a écrit :
> Receiver side:

Synchronisation is done on the receiver side. To work properly, you need
your media sink (e.g. xvimagesink and pulseaudiosink) to be configured
with sync=TRUE, async=TRUE and a jitterbuffer with appropriate latency
configured. You also need the latency to be correctly propagated, which
mean you need to handle the latency message by calling
gst_bin_recalculate_latency () on your pipeline when this message is

Other then that, I don't see any valid reason for using queues, neither
on receiver or sending side, I would suggest to remove them in order to
get rid of the extra latency introduced.


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