feed gstreamer with glc

Paolo Bolzoni paolo.bolzoni.brown at gmail.com
Mon Nov 26 12:49:51 PST 2012

Dear gstreamer list,

I am trying to feed gstreamer with the output of glc*. But I cannot
get it to work, here is my experiments.

Open three shells and execute this commands, you should see that
mplayer works.

first shell, mplayer reads the stream.
$ mkfifo mux
$ mkfifo video
$ mplayer -identify video

second shell, glc converts from its internal format.
$ glc-play mux -t -y 1 -o video

third shell, glc starts the application and starts the screencast.
$ glc-capture --disable-audio -s -o mux glxgears

In my system mplayer gave some useful information about what
gstreamer pipeline I might need:

[lavf] stream 0: video (rawvideo), -vid 0
VIDEO:  [I420]  300x300  0bpp  30.000 fps    0.0 kbps ( 0.0 kbyte/s)

So instead of mplayer in the first shell I try to execute:
$ gst-launch-1.0 -tev filesrc location=video \
    ! videoparse height=300 width=300 framerate=30 \
    ! autovideosink

The output is wrong, the gears appear distorted and
after a while the gears stop altogether. Maybe there is some

So my question is, how is possible to feed gstreamer with glc video?


* https://github.com/nullkey/glc

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