Regarding Live url playback

Vijay Vikram vikram.kvijay at
Sun Sep 2 01:25:55 PDT 2012

 Hi Folks,
I am working on a bin which contains on pipeline inside.

The pipeline looks like below:

src(souphttpsrc)->transform filter-> fakesink.

When i set location property, souphttpsrc gives a buffer and it reaches the
chain function of my transform filter, where i do some parsing.  This
scenario is working fine for On-demand profile.

But for a live feed, I have set a timer. The first request I am able to get
the buffer but When the timer expires, I am setting the location property
with the same url again.

But this time I am not getting any buffer in my chain function of the
transform filter.

Can you guys give me some input how to take care of this scenario?

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