error: libsoup/soup.h: No such file or directory

Nicolas Dufresne nicolas.dufresne at
Fri Sep 7 08:27:29 PDT 2012

Le vendredi 07 septembre 2012 à 10:40 +0200, nicolas sochala a écrit :
> Thanks,
> I'm sorry but I started on linux.
> In my config.log I can see that I need a version of
> libsoup-2.4>=2.26 , I dowload the file
> but I don't know in which folder I have to extract it and where I can set properly PKG_CONFIG_PATH.

PKG_CONFIG_PATH is an environment variable, simply export it before you
start your compilation. (i.e. export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=path:path2:path3)

libsoup is a library, just like gstreamer. So you must cross-compile it
and install it somewhere, making sure the .pc file is part of you
PKG_CONFIG_PATH. I won't go into details because you can find good
instructions and introductions on the net. Note that latest stable
version of libsoup (stable version are even numbers) is 2.38. The
official download link is,

As said, doing this manually is a lot of work, you may want to go with
GStreamer SDK (at, build system like OpenEmbedded or even
a distribution like Debian.


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