Gstreamer error

Mazahir Poonawalla mazahir.poonawalla at
Thu Sep 20 00:57:19 PDT 2012

Hi All,

I get the following error while playing rtsp stream:

WARNING: erroneous pipeline: no element "ximagesync"

my client pipeline is as follows:

gst-launch -v -e rtspsrc location=rtsp:// !
rtph264depay ! queue ! ffdec_h264 ! ffmpegcolorspace ! videoscale !
ximagesync sync=false

It does not work with "xvimagesink" as well.

Can anyone help as to what is wrong?


Thank you & Regards,****

*Mazahir Poonawalla*****

ideaForge Technology Pvt. Ltd. | Board: +91 22 2767 0001; +91 22 2767 0707
| mazahir.poonawalla at |****

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