building the bad RPM

Nathanael D. Noblet nathanael at
Mon Apr 29 09:09:23 PDT 2013

On 04/29/2013 10:01 AM, Chuck Crisler wrote:
> I am trying to build v 0.10.20 of the bad plugins RPM. Almost everything
> is working except that the rpmbuild process is copying some header files
> (gst/video, gst/signalprocessor and gst/interfaces) and the
> gstreamer-plugins-bad-0.10.pc file, which cause dependency problems in
> the resulting RPM. I am not sure if the *.h files are really causing a
> problem but the PC file does establish dependency issues. Since this is
> supposed to be an RPM to distribute binaries, not a devel RPM, why are
> these files being included? I have modified the spec file to delete the
> headers but the PC file is troublesome since normal users can't delete
> it (rw_r__r__).

Post your specfile via pastebin or something and I can perhaps help 
clean that part up...

Nathanael d. Noblet
t 403.875.4613

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