Python Gstreamer, Webcam, and Pil

David Röthlisberger david at
Sat Aug 24 02:08:40 PDT 2013

On 24 Aug 2013, at 09:14, Jason (spot) Brower wrote:
> I can take the picture and save the image to a file using just Gstreamer.
> But I need to work with the image before I save it anyway, so how can I convert it to PIL after I take the picture.
> A code example would be handy. I have googled and no found it as far as I have searched.

stb-tester[1] does something similar but converts the GStreamer buffer
to the OpenCV format (i.e. a numpy matrix)[2]. We use appsink[3], and we
register a handler for appsink's "new-buffer" signal[4] that calls
"pull-buffer"[5]. Note that the signal handler is called from the
GStreamer element's streaming thread, so you shouldn't do blocking work
there; instead we push the buffer onto a synchronised Queue[6] that our
main application thread reads from[7].


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