how to play a certain punched video file.

Wonchul Lee chul0812 at
Tue Aug 27 00:48:44 PDT 2013


In certain cases, there is a video file that video stream is normal and
first part of audio stream is missing.

Let's assume,

position 0     1:00                  end
video     ---------------------------------
audio               -----------------------

In this cases, audio-sink does not get the any data.
Thus It can not go to PAUSED state.
It means that whole pipeline is stuck for waiting audio-sink to go to
PAUSED state.

I do not know It is properly encoded file but I think player should take
responsibility for strange cases.
Thus I added a code at audio-sink.

*gst_base_sink_set_async_enabled(GST_BASE_SINK(asink), FALSE)*

Then I can avoid the problem.
However I do not think that it is a good idea.

Can you give me an advice for it?
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