Audio / video out of sync for custom capture pipeline

Tim-Philipp Müller t.i.m at
Thu Aug 29 23:39:40 PDT 2013

Hi Chris,

----- Original message -----
> I'm trying to use a pipeline to capture a video stream so that I can
> display the frames in a custom app whilst the audio streams in the
> background. I've been using pipelines of the form:
> gst-launch playbin2 uri=sintel.webm audio-sink="alsasink"
> video-sink="videorate ! ffmpegcolorspace ! videoscale add-borders=true !
> video/x-raw-rgb, bpp=32, pixel-aspect-ratio=1/1, width=800, height=500 !
> appsink drop=1 max-buffers=1"
> I then use the 'last-buffer' of the appsink to grab the most-recent
> video frame to render.
> This works great one system, but on another the audio gets ahead of the
> video and eventually breaks up.
> What do I need to change in the pipeline so the audio keeps running
> real-time and the 'last-buffer' in the appsink is in step with it?

Have you tried setting sync=true on appsink?


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