gst_pad_push API is flushing

Tim Müller tim at
Wed Dec 18 02:31:26 PST 2013

On Wed, 2013-12-18 at 00:52 -0800, vindi503 wrote:


> I will just add few lines of code about what i am doing before calling
> gst_pad_push API
>   stream->pad = g_malloc(sizeof(GstPad));

This line does not make sense. That's not how one creates GObjects
(GstPad is a GObject).

>   stream->pad =
>         gst_pad_new_from_static_template (&gst_qtdemux_videosrc_template,
> "video_0");

This will create a GstPad (and overwrite the previously set pointer thus
leaking the malloced memory).

> gst_pad_push(stream->pad, buffer);
> here buffer is of size 1024. And gst_qtdemux_videosrc_template is created in
> the beginning of my program.
> static GstStaticPadTemplate gst_qtdemux_videosrc_template =
>     GST_PAD_SRC,
> In the Init function, below line is called
> gst_element_class_add_pad_template (gstelement_class,
>       gst_static_pad_template_get (&gst_qtdemux_videosrc_template));
> As you mentioned to call gst_pad_set_active, If I add
> gst_pad_set_active(stream->pad, TRUE); I
> get error: " Data is not Pushed " which is an indication of not getting
> linked itself.

Not sure I understand. What is this an indication of? And why? "Data is
not Pushed" does not look like a GStreamer error message. Have you
looked at the GST_DEBUG log yet? What is the flow return you get from
pad_push now?


Tim Müller, Centricular Ltd -

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