Probe doesn't get EOS events

Pedro Côrte-Real pedro at
Mon Dec 30 22:12:58 PST 2013

wtay on IRC solved the mistery. filesrc works in pull mode so there's
no EOS event. I've gotten it to work properly now by attaching the
probe to the demux src pad.


On Tue, Dec 31, 2013 at 4:34 AM, Pedro Côrte-Real <pedro at> wrote:
> Now that I have an almost working file splitting pipeline I need to be
> able to do the reverse. So I've setup a basic:
> filesrc ! matroskademux ! matroskamux | filesink
> The idea is that I can change the filesrc between files and thus
> create a concatenated .mkv file. multifilesrc doesn't work for me as
> it requires files with a specific naming convention.
> The basic pipeline naturally works well with just one file and then I
> went and created an event probe on the filesrc's pad to try and
> capture EOS and swap files:
>   gst_pad_add_probe (pad, GST_PAD_PROBE_TYPE_EVENT_DOWNSTREAM|
>                           GST_PAD_PROBE_TYPE_BLOCK,
>                      (GstPadProbeCallback) source_event, &fi, NULL);
> The problem is that the callback never gets called. I eventually get
> the EOS on the bus and finish the program with no errors. What am I
> doing wrong? Can't probes be used to capture EOS events?
> Pedro

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